Sunday, July 27, 2008

Installing A TV the Hard Way!

Yesterday, Lori and I went to Wally World and looked at Tv's for the bedroom of our RV. Ya, Ya, I know, what a couple of spoiled brats needing their tv for the bedroom...Ok, your point? Anyway, they had a Vizio for a decent price . We went ahead and bit the bullet and brought one home. This morning, while completing a long and growing list of Honey Doo's, I decided to hook up the tv. Now ya see, we have the trailer on the front jacks but not the rear and it bounces a little when you walk around. I opened the cabinet it goes in and pulled out the tray. I set up the TV on its stand and was not able to get any cable signal (damn cable company workers anyway) so I went down to the other tv and started to move cables around to see if I could get signal up there. I found the loop and had just hooked it up when Lori Ann decided to do something which made the trailer move! Yep, you guessed er, I hear this loud crash and cable all over the place. Seems the Tv fell off the cabinet, the cable goes tight and pulls the plug right out of the wall and everything is in a heap on the floor. With the second volley of potty mouth, Lori took off. I could see her and Walt as they rounded the corner onto Hill Rd! I was so upset with a mess all over that I was not a happy camper. Now it even gets worse...I pick up the Tv and see the cable plug is at an angle. As soon as I touch it, it falls out rendering the Tv useless. Another volley of potty mouth and I could see neighbors gathering to see who was being killed. As always in a calm and collected manner, I carefully package and quietly walk to the truck and after finding the receipt, decide it is better than nothing to see if they will exchange it for a non wrecked one. Much to my surprise, they gladly returned the item and I decided to buy a swing arm bracket to secure this one to. Dont think they will like it too much if I brought another one back!

Got it home and installed the bracket, hooked the tv on and set it up. Nice set up and we are ready to go again.

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