For several months now, Lori and I have been planning a trip to Maui with Loris parents Roy and Opal. With all the planning and prep, it was hard to believe the day was actually here.
Lori and I were up at 330 and after a sad goodbye to Walter, we were on the road to Puyallup and picking up Roy and Opal. It w warm (45) and pretty high winds as we headed east. Soon we were all loaded and off to the airport. No traffic, quick check in at the parking lot and soon we had cleared security at the airport. We were three hours from takeoff. This is a first for me, as we are normally late.
We sat and ate breakfast and I played with Lori's new phone. Soon the plane was loading and we even got out about ten minutes early. We were actually headed to Maui! What a great birthday present. Plane rides are so boring and seem to take so much longer than they are. We passed the time sleeping, watching videos and reading.
We landed to 78 degrees and partly cloudy. It was a little muggy, but we love it here. After a long wait for luggage, we were on the shuttle headed for the car rental place. I got a car at Budget this time as the price was very good. I walked in to see several dozen people in line. It went fairly quick and when I got to the counter they had a Chevy Malibu ready for us. Only problem was they could not find the Chevy. They then hooked us up with a Ford Fusion. She told us it was being brought up, handed us the keys and we walked out to see it driving past us to the lot. Roy and I walked over and started to get in when a lady told us the car was not assigned to us. I showed her the paperwork and soon we were off. Lori insisted on stopping at Costco, and after asking where she intended to put the case of water, pop, eggs, and other stuff. The trunk was full and I was wondering just how much more the car could take? Out they came with a full cart...crap, what would we do, and how would this car do with riding on the axle.
We got her loaded, had just enough room to get us in and we carefully headed for Kihei and the condo. We are staying at Menehaune Shores #501. When we got here, what a nice place and beautiful room. Only problem is we are at the very end and although can see the water from our lanai, we are near the road. Not a problem. We got everything into our room and headed for dinner. We went to Moose Magilcutties for some dinner. Roy and I had the Seafood platter and Lori and Opal ordered the Hobo chicken. Opal does not like fish and cannot stand to eat most fish.
They brought our dinner and we dug in. Lori gave me a weird look and told me had me try some of her "chicken". It tasted like fish! We all looked at Opal and watched to see her reaction. She was enjoying her meal and Lori and I figured it was some type of fish they were eating. Lori gave Roy a taste and he felt it had to be fish too. We told Opal we thought she actually was eating fish and she looked, had another bite and finished her dinner! The waiter made a mistake and ordered both the Mahi Mahi fish dinner. A couple beers and we were fading fast, after all it had been a long day. We settled into the room with the breeze blowing in and soon all were asleep. Day one in the books and I give it and 8 for the day.
Day Two
We woke up and just took it easy in the morning. Not sure what to do, but we will think of something. Oh Ya, Winery tour. We saw there was a winery on the side of the volcano south of Kihei. Only problem is you have to take the long way around to get to it. It is 8 miles from Kihei as the bird flies but about 30 to get there. It was a beautiful drive up and around and when we got to the winery, we were treated to very good wine. We tasted and had some shipped home while getting one bottle to sample at the condo.
Then it was across the sugar fields to a old hippie type town called Paia and the famous Paia fish market for lunch. This place is famous for fish taco's. Parking here is always a bit of a problem, but we got in and even Roy enjoyed the fish Taco's. Lori and Opal had hamburgers. After lunch, we stopped at a county park just down the road and watched the surfers and sun bathers. Soon we were back in Kihai. Lori, Opal and later Roy all checked out Hilo Haties store while I sat at Starbucks. A late dinner at Fat Daddy's barbecue. All was going well till we ordered and found out they were out of ribs! Can you believe that, a rib joint out of ribs. Pulled Pork and Brisket was a nice substituteand we let with full bellies. Today was a nine for scenery and food
day 3
Today was our cruise to Lanai. The forcast called for high wind and rain, but we awoke to broken clouds, calm seas and lots to see. I prepared my 'Hawaiian' Surprise which means adding pinapple to my ham and scrambled eggs. We loaded up and were dockside in no time. After we loaded, I could see the smiles on Roy and Opal's face. We headed for Lanai on calm seas with lots of warm sun. After we docked, Lori and I walked to the beach and enjoyed the sun and great beach. Roy and Opal sat and watched people as well. We decided to take a tour of the island as Lori did this alst time and loved the talk about people and events. This time, the guide was nice, but pretty boring and offered little about what the island is about.
We got back to the dockside and a barbecue awaited. We were served Barbecue chicken, stir fry and Peas. They kept coming around and even Roy got full. This would turn out to be a bad thing later. As we were finishing dinner, the captain asked that we hurry up as the winds were getting stronger and we needed to get going.
We were loaded and warned about sitting forward as the seas and wind would get us wet. Lori and I chose to sit up front with another couple and three others chose to lay on the tarps covering the open area of the bow, We were off and all I could hear was the theme to Gilligans Island in my head as we turned into the wind and boom, high wind, lots of water and heavy seas. We were in at least ten foot seas and it was dangerous to move around. Opal didnot want to get wet and chose to stay in the cabin. Roy stayed with her as Lori and I took on tons of water. At times we could not see as there was so much water. As we crossed the channel, it got so bad, Lori wanted out of there. We got her to the side as the captain decided to hoist the sails. The wind was so strong, it pushed us south and he was having trouble keeping on course. Soon, I could hear some distress in his voice as he ordered everyone to the cabin as the crew tried to get the rigging down. I forgot to mention that Lori decided to leave the bow after a wave hit and bounced the people on the tarp almost over the side. It acted like a trampoline. We went down one side of a wave and the bow dipped under the wave twice! I am a little nervous now.
I made it back to the back of the cabin and watched as the crew struggled to get the sails lowered. Another guy was next to me and we assisted those getting in the cabin. One woman demanded to know how long before getting back as her husband had an upset stomach. I jokingly told her about two hours and she almost freaked. We calmed her and explained her husband was most likely seasick but she would have none of that. I figured she was bucking for a refund or very ignorant...or both!
Remember that big lunch we had talked about earlier? As the seas got heavier, several people got sick. I looked over to see Opal lose part of her lunch. About this time, Roy looked at her, turned green and...well you can get the visual. He even had to retrieve his dentures!!! About this time, Lori was turning green and got a little pissy about it. I had her come out side and we helped her to a seat at the stern of the boat...Diaster averted...for now anyway.
After what seemed like days, we made it to calmer waters and people were allowed back out to walk around. After docking, all Opal could say was thank you for the adventure and so much for the Trilogy trip. She was outright mocking me and being kinda mean about it! A different side to her on this trip...kind of like it, but put me on my heals. We headed to Starbucks for coffee and back for an early evening. Today started out as a 10, but quickly faded to a four.
Tomorrow is a free day with only an anniversary dinner planned. We need a catch up day after the trip from hell!
Day 4
Not too much to report today as we hung out and went to the pool. We drove back up to Lahaina and had dinner at Kobe Japanese restaurant. It was a very nice dinner and a relaxing day.
Day 5
The winds are calm and the morning is beautiful. We drove into Kihei for breakfast at the Kihei cafe. What a great breakfast. After we sat and picked our teeth, it was time to travel up around the north end of the island. I love this drive as it is so scenic and there are such wonderful places to pull off and enjoy the surfers and waves. We pulled into Lahaina and stopped for lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise. This place has the reputation of some of the best burgers in Maui. We finished and Lori started her twitching as there were stores galore. Off Opal and Lori went to shop the afternoon away. I found benches along the way and enjoyed watching people. We made it to the jewelry store on the beach and Lori got her flower pendant she had been jonsing for. We finally made it to the car and headed for coffee. Now it was time for our Luau. We arrived about 15 minutes early and were able to park in the main lot. Soon we had a Mi Tai in hand and enjoying a wonderful sunset with lots of drinks, great food and great company. The show was great as usual, but seemed shorter to me. A quiet ride back home to the Condo and shortly everyone was asleep. Me, Lori and Opal rated today a ten, Roy a 7 or 8 as he thought there would be fire eaters and swords...we were not in Figi...maybe next time we can fly there for a show.
Day 6
This morning, we hung out and went for a later breakfast. Not very good and terrible service. We then drove down the coast and looked at all the golf courses and resorts in Wailea and kept going till we got to Makena. We drove through the lava fields ending up at a park and beach. We spent sometime exploring the lava blow holes and little pools which held fish and other critters. We headed back up the coast with the obligatory stop for coffee and then back to the Condo.
Lori and I went down by the pool and explored the beach and jetty out front. We waded out all the way to the jetty only getting the bottoms to our bathing suits wet. We went around the other side and later talked to some folks from Canada. Back to the pool and it was time to head to dinner. We went to Anthonys in Kihei. It was our best meal yet! We all had something different and gave this place two thumbs up. Today was an 8.5. Only rated down as we needed more time in the tidal pools.
Our last day in Paradise... we went back to the Kihei cafe and then it was off to the mall in Lahaina. Wow, another day shopping...just what I came to Maui for! I understood they all needed to buy stuff to take home, but I didnt sign up for this much shopping! I found a bench and wasted the day away watching people come and go out of the mall.
We had a late dinner at The Outback and returned to pack. Where did the week go? Today I rate this as a boring 2.
Day 8
We are packed and after one last walk around the condo's, Roy and Opal bid farewell to the island of Maui. We stopped for coffee, returned the car and ate lunch at the airport. A quiet trip home and finally to bed around 0230, but Walt was sure glad to see us. He was so happy and has not left my side since.
As I reflect on our trip: I had a great time as did Lori and I feel Roy and Opal did too. We saw lots of the island and exposed them to the island culture. The food was terrific and we had few issues which made for a very pleasurable trip. Down side, not enough relaxing at beaches and pool time. We knew the vacation would be a little different style for us, but with the condo setup and things we did, it was a very nice time. Would I do it again you ask...Of course, how can you go wrong in Paradise!!!